Sports Massage
Sports massage is a specialized form of massage therapy that aims to elevate pain due to injury and rehabilitate the body to health. During a sports massage, a specially trained therapist utilizes a wide range of techniques to achieve the desired goals. For example, they may use Swedish massage to stimulate circulation of blood and lymph fluids, or trigger point therapy to breakdown adhesions and knots in the muscle. They may also utilize stretching to increase range of motion. Sports massage is an excellent choice for athletes of all kinds, from Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners to baseball players and boxers. Whether you’re dealing with a specific injury or simply looking to improve your overall performance, sports massage can be a great option.
30-minute $50, 45-min $60, 60-min $79, 75-min $99, 90-min $115
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Youth Sports Massage
For young clients aged 17 or younger, a youth sports massage that targets local areas such as the shoulders, arms, calves, or thighs can be a great option. This focused treatment can be done pre-event or post-event and can help relax the athlete’s muscles, preventing cramps or lactic acid build-ups. Whether your young athlete is dealing with a specific injury or simply looking to improve their overall performance, this type of massage can be a great option.
30-minute $49, 45-min $55, 60-min $70, 75-min $80
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